Since I moved back to Ubuntu-based machines I had some “problems” with Openshift application management (I am talking about command line). As you can read here, I use Openshift to host this blog and if until I worked on a Fedora machine everything was fine, on Ubuntu-based machines has totally been another story.

This is totally my fault, since I never had time/will to check what is wrong whity my usage of rhc client, but I just decided to change that.

The starting point is an application (this blog) already on the server and up and running. If the application has been created to the same machine you are working at the time you want modify something it’s fine, because rhc client created the SSH keys you need (that you really need). But what if you changed machine? Well, it turned out to be pretty simple (my bad to have waisted so much time)!

We have two steps

On client side

  1. Generate a new pair of ssh keys1. I suggest to run the command directly .ssh folder.
$ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
  1. Add your new key to the ssh-agent
$ssh-add id_rsa  # id_rsa is the *default* key's name.
  1. [optional] Move your keys into a .ssh subfolder. If and only if you do so, you also need to create a config file to let the ssh client know which keys are for which host.
$mv id_rsa* ~/.ssh/openshift
$vim config  # write something like the following

1 Host <application-name>
2     Hostname <application-name>
3     PreferredAuthentications publickey
4     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/openshift/id_rsa

$sudo service ssh restart  # Let the client know about the changes (I am not sure it is needed).

On Openshift side

  1. Go to your application setting page
  2. Click on Add a new key... button
  3. Copy your ~/.ssh/openshift/ into the given box
  4. Test connection: Check Want to log in to your application? link in your application page. Click on it and copy the ssh command, then execute it on your shell, adding the option -vvv
$ ssh -vvv ...

The following line should appear

debug1: Offering RSA public key: <your-home>/.ssh/openshift/id_rsa

and you’ll be logged into your application. Just type exit before do something wrong :)

And that’s it! I can now clone and modify and the rest.



  1. You are supposed to already have a pair of files named id_rsa on your .ssh folder. If your file is something like ssh-rsa followed by a bunch of characters, you can use that whithout generating a new pair.[↩].