Bash scripting is a powerful tool that allows you to automate various tasks on your computer. One common scenario is running time-consuming processes and wanting to be notified when they are completed. Many resources explain how to write a bash script that sends a notification when a process finishes. However, if you’re like me, you might forget to append the necessary call to notify-send.

In this post, I’ll share a script that not only sends a notification when a process finishes but also finds the running process and waits for its completion before triggering the notification.

Finding the Running Process

To find the running process, we can search for a process with a given command line. Fortunately, the /proc filesystem keeps the command line that started each process, allowing us to use the pgrep command:

$ pgrep make

To ensure accuracy, let’s add some additional checks. Create a file named and add the following content:

pid=$(pgrep "${query}")

occurrences=$(echo "${pid}" | wc -w)
if [[ ${occurrences} -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "[!] No matching process for this query."
    exit 1
if [[ ${occurrences} -gt 1 ]]; then
    echo "[!] found too many (${occurrences}) matching processes. Use a more specific query"
    exit 1

# Read the process' command line
cmd=$(cat /proc/${pid}/cmdline | sed -e "s/\x00/ /g"; echo)
echo "Got PID: \"${pid}\" for query: \"${query}\", with cmdline: \"${cmd}\""
echo "Confirm?"

Let’s test it:

$ ./ make
Got PID: "100822" for query: "make", with cmdline: "make death-star-with-chatgpt "

It seems to be working fine! 😄 Now, let’s add some final details.

Waiting for the Process to Complete

pid=$(pgrep "${query}")


# Read the process' command line
cmd=$(cat /proc/${pid}/cmdline | sed -e "s/\x00/ /g"; echo)
echo "Got PID: \"${pid}\" for query: \"${query}\", with cmdline: \"${cmd}\""
echo "Confirm?"
echo "Let's wait for it"
tail --pid=${pid} --follow /dev/null

Great! We can use the tail command to wait for a process to die.

That’s it! When your long-running process has started, you can wait for its completion and be notified by using the following command: make && notify-send "I'm done, master!"

The full script is available here.


If you prefer to be notified on your mobile phone while leaving your PC, you can check out 😉