Communitheme 11th stable release
The Communitheme team is happy to announce a new stable release!...
The Communitheme team is happy to announce a new stable release!...
The Communitheme team is happy to announce a new stable release and we reached double digit release 10!...
The Communitheme team is happy to announce a new stable release!...
The Communitheme team is happy to announce a new stable release!...
New stable release of communitheme is ready! The first release of June and the first one one Monday brings the following updates...
New stable release of communitheme is ready! This week most of our effort went to the “wall of dark” issue, so this release bring a new iteration of panel/dock color and several bug fixes...
New stable release of communitheme is ready! Folders will be less distracting when Nautilus is not on focus :) Added style for Nemo file explorer GNOME Terminal as improved a little again more bugs have been fixed Moreover, you’re going to see again fully opaque top panel and dock when a window is maximized....
The Communitheme Team has just promoted the edge channel to stable!...
Just released a new stable version of codename Communitheme for Ubuntu Bionic Beaver...